About 17 years ago, I read a story on ScubaBoard about someone who got bent because he switched tanks from his original intent to dive nitrox and dived air instead. He forgot to change his computer, so he was diving air but going by a computer that thought he was on nitrox.You forgot "Check computer is on and O2 percentage set".
When I read it, I owned one of those computers that automatically switched oxygen settings after 24 hours (one of the really brilliant moves in computer design), and I had had that happen to me, where I had the dive all set to go, and the computer changed the mix on its own just before I got in the water. Fortunately, it went from nitrox to air (less serious), and I saw it as soon as I checked it during the dive.
I also realized that when using a wrist computer, that computer is the last thing many people put on, and it is easy to forget.
So I wrote to PADI, gave all that information, and said that the instruments you are using for the dive should be included in the predive safety check. I got an immediate enthusiastic reply. They said they loved the idea and were presently working on a new mnemonic. It would take a while to get out, but it would be out soon.
Still waiting. Should be any day now.
So I put an I for instruments into the BWRAF on my own. My mnemonic was Bruce Willis Ruins Another Independent Film. Sadly, that mnemonic is dsrespectful to his current medical condition.