Does your LDS try and gouge you on trips?

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I agree with scubajoe and raviepoo (neat nicknames, BTW) in that taking advantage of the LDS sponsored trips is a good way for divers to be introduced to other local divers and go to locations that the LDS has experience visiting/diving.

My LDS arranges a few weeklong trips in places outside of the USA each year as well as reasonably priced trips to the Delaware/new Jersey shores and the Carolina wrecks. Comparing the package price to the individual prices if done alone shows very little obvious profit; the profit that might be made is worth it to keep the LDS in business and offering classes and future trips. I may find a new dive buddy or two, or I may be able to cross a few off of the list:boom:

Since only my daughters and I dive (wife and youngest have no interest) it's just me going on the big, so doing it with familiar divers is a strong plus.

BTW, do you think other tour operators or travel agents don't make a profit on their bookings? Why shouldn't the LDS be entitled to make a profit? If it's "too rich" for you, don't sign up!
scuubaadoo wrote...
BTW metridium, my friend is an instructor who found another dive boat operator when the one chosen for the trip seemed not to be safe enough. He paid for the new operator out of his own pocket and let the shop reimburse him when he got back.
Impressive. I can see why some divers prefer these sorts of packaged trips, don't get me wrong. It's just not my style, though.
Warmwater isn't really my thing anymore, but your descriptions are a bit tempting, o2scuba. These trips sound much more impressive than the ones I typically see on offer at LDSs, especially in terms of group size. Yours seem to be 1/2 or 1/3 the size of most I've asked about.

My normal dive vacation profile is 4-6 dives/day, with a couple days of hiking thrown in. Evenings are quiet by necessity. How does that compare with your usual groups?

Also, how do you handle air travel?
One thing that I haven't noticed is that a lot of shops must put down a deposit, months in advance,for how many spots that think they can sell. If they aren't sold by a deadline then they can get a refund but the deposit has been tied up for a while anyway. Most small shops I know need what little money they have liquid as much as possible.

MikeFerrara once bubbled...
Our shop hasn't done much in the way of trips. ...... I have a limited amount of vacation and don't intend to spend it working.

It can be work for anyone associated to go on a group trip. The last group trip I took with our shop I paid full price for just like everyone else. Of course, I was expected to give up my free time to repair regs, check computers, adjust equipment... etc.

Thanks but no thanks. From now own I'll sneak off on my own with a couple of friends that take care of their gear.
I won't buy equipment anywhere but my LDS, but when it comes to travel, I'm not checking with them first. We did 1 group trip to a destination we'd been to before. Their price was a little higher then what I'd get on my own, but we went anyway. I was really disappointed. Lowest cat of rooms, crowded boat, and the group leader did nothing with the group. He even went and did different dives on another boat one day! I felt like he's just offering trips because other shops in the area do. We go on about 4 trips/yr and have a group we travel with at least 2 trips. We've gotten much better deals and service booking our own group direct with the property and/or dive shop we'll be using. The resorts have always given us at least 1 free for 10 divers, we usually work in a free night dive or something else too. I know our LDS is getting a better offer from some of the same places (because they tell me what they offer dive shops). If I didn't have travel buddies or any clue about booking my own vacations, I may use an LDS as a last resort. I'd probably go with a dive travel company first. I've been doing marketing, communications and product development for different sectors of the travel industry for 14 yrs. I offered to help the LDS put together & market some of their trips, but they're not interested.
I would love to go with a LDS on a dive trip if they would cost even close to what I always seem to find. Also the LDS never seems to want to go when it's convenient for me. My wife works in a school sys. and their spring break is not when the LDS decides to go. Even for $100 to $200 each I wouldnt complain, but for $500 to $1000 difference forget it.
I don't mind them making a profit, but at the prices they charge, I could make an extra house payment.
So far we have only went on one trip with an LDS and that was to Egypt, and that is true for the last twenty years. :upset:

Dive Safe,
scubawife once bubbled...
I offered to help the LDS put together & market some of their trips, but they're not interested.

I sure wish we had someone who knew travel to help arrange and market trips. We're not travel pros and don't claim to be. We don't have the time to devote to learning and doing it. We also can't afford to risk loosing the deposit after screwing up So far we've taken a bath on every trip we've done. As a result we don't do many but that hurts us too. Al the DM's and instructrs want to take the "free spot" but none want any responsibility for putting the trip together.
Just got back from my first dive trip, sponsored by my LDS. I only knew three or four of the 14 folks on the trip from before we traveled, and only one or two fairly well. Our group was pretty much on a single dive boat daily (had one walk-on a day for 2 of 6 days) and as a group we got along really well, especially considering the variability of skills/experience/ages among all of us.

Our group leader had his way paid by us, and yet, checking the airfares, resort rates, and dive package the cost wasn't really much different at all... and we had the benefit of a lively, competent and friendly instructor/group leader who knew the island, knew the resort, knows diving, and knew most if not all of the divers from various classes. Maybe this is the exception rather than the rule, but it was a tremendously good experience for everyone involved. We're even planning a get-together in a few weeks to share pictures and videos and stories over potluck and drinks. Now I know 13 other people I can call to dive with on short notice.

I'm sorry other LDS sponsored trips haven't panned out as well. Perhaps because our LDS arranges the actual dive package/accomodations and leaves the travel planning to a travel agency (and requires cash, not credit cards 60 days paid in full) can he bve sure of "filling" the trip and having the details covered by the appropriate "expert."

I'd travel with a group from the LDS again (hope I can convince him to set up a trip in the summer so that the whole family can go without leaving school & work)....
A couple of things,

I have done trips on my own and through dive shops. Through the dive shop everything is looked after, from ground transport to the “do you have an extra… because I forgot mine?” That is worth extra to me.

But are you really paying extra?

An example, I will be at porpoise bay diving 3 days, included is 3 nights accommodation, all the diving I can do and meals. This is costing $450.00 cdn. This trip is arranged through my LDS.

I am also diving the week before this trip and my costs are, 3 days diving (2 dives per day) @ 100.00 per day. Accommodation for 3 nights, my share of the room is 45.00 per night. The cost for the 3 days is 435.00cdn plus extra for food, transportation and extra dives.

Now, I wonder how the LDS is making all that money?
Pez de Diablo once bubbled...
A couple of things,

I have done trips on my own and through dive shops. Through the dive shop everything is looked after, from ground transport to the “do you have an extra… because I forgot mine?” That is worth extra to me.

But are you really paying extra?

An example, I will be at porpoise bay diving 3 days, included is 3 nights accommodation, all the diving I can do and meals. This is costing $450.00 cdn. This trip is arranged through my LDS.

I am also diving the week before this trip and my costs are, 3 days diving (2 dives per day) @ 100.00 per day. Accommodation for 3 nights, my share of the room is 45.00 per night. The cost for the 3 days is 435.00cdn plus extra for food, transportation and extra dives.

Now, I wonder how the LDS is making all that money?

Sounds like a good deal Pez.

Who's your LDS? Being from Calgary you have more options in LDS's than I do up here in Edmonton. Although a new one recently opened (less than a year old) that really looks quite promissing.


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