does my post go on real time

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1st off does my post go on real time? do I have to log off to see repondes? And why do some notations read wider and off my screen?
Posts to almost every forum show up in real time, the only exceptions would be new threads in the Hot Deals or Instructors Panel forums. If you are not seeing posts in real time, check your computer's caching settings to be sure they are set to Automatically update pages.
The normal reason that text goes off your screen is that someone posted a large photograph on the page you are viewing. If there is no photograph making it wider then text should automatically adjust to your screen size.
And it does help to refresh your screen, if you're not surfing SB. Just watch a thread will not update until you move on SB or refresh - isn't that correct?
And it does help to refresh your screen, if you're not surfing SB. Just watch a thread will not update until you move on SB or refresh - isn't that correct?

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