Does bloating from period impact weighting?

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San Carlos, CA
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0 - 24
I'm a new diver and have a question for the ladies. Last month I went diving at Lover's Point in Monterey. When I planned this dive I had ended my period about 2 weeks before. I dove with a steel 100 tank plus 35lbs of weight intergrated into my BC, and a farmer John style wet suit. I was able to decend slowly and have a wonderful day diving. Yesterday however, I went back to the same location with the same gear set up and the same amount of weight...but this time I was on my period...the first day. When I jumped in the water I couldn't sink I just bobbed there like a cork in the water. I hadn't brought any extra weight with me (I learned my lesson!) so we ended up not being able to dive.

Has anyone experienced this before? Was I not able to sink because I was bloated/retaining water? That's my guess as to the problem.

Thanks for any advice!!
Has anyone experienced this before? Was I not able to sink because I was bloated/retaining water? That's my guess as to the problem.

Thanks for any advice!!

Interesting question Cherise, can't say I've ever noticed but my take would be that if you retain water then surely that would be as dense or only slightly less dense than the water you were trying to descend in so being neutral in effect. Bloating through indigestion that causes trapped gas would be a different matter but is not likely to be too much volume to need extra lb or kg to get you down.

Now I do know that period pain and associated emotional upheaval can make teaching through the first couple of days a living nightmare particularly if certain people ...ahem.. don't go there :shakehead: Perhaps you were feeling under the weather as well and were much more tense?
Thanks Lucy for the advice, I did eat lunch before and I was kind of tense. I'll keep those tips in mind for the next time!!

When you're a new diver there are all sorts of things affecting your bouyancy that you will get past with a little more experience. If you are nervous or tense you will breath differently, often holding more air in your lungs and not realizing it.
I dove the other day with my period and noticed no difference. What I do notice is that the more relaxed I am the less weight I use. Since I started diving last year I have gone from 16 pounds to 10 pounds in fresh water and from 20 pounds to 16 pounds in salt water and I still feel like I'm over weighted.
Thanks everyone for the posts...I'll definatly try RELAXING more!!
Thanks Lucy for the advice, I did eat lunch before and I was kind of tense. I'll keep those tips in mind for the next time!!


i notice some days im so relaxed i desend very easily

other days, if im a bit frazzled by something (doesnt have to be dive related) i might have issues getting down, then i stress about it and that makes me not breath correctly and i have more hassles getting down. i then have to stop and relax and regain my thoughts

you may not even notice you are a bit tense about something.

i wonder when you go diving next time would you stress about getting down and that could create this cycle again. can your buddy carry and extra 2 or 3 lbs or can you attach it to your dive flag so if you need it, its there for you with no dramas and you dont have to call the dive

I think that this is a hard question as everyone's symptoms of their cycle are different. Some bloat more than others. Some have more emotional issues due to more hormonal shifts.

Definitely, relaxing more helps, but ultimately what works for you, works for you best!:D
then i stress about it and that makes me not breath correctly and i have more hassles getting down. i then have to stop and relax and regain my thoughts
can your buddy carry and extra 2 or 3 lbs so if you need it, its there for you with no dramas and you dont have to call the dive

Come to think of it....I was getting stressed out by my dive buddy, he was frustrated that I couldn't get down so which made me get upset too. I tried to focus on my breathing and not taking huge deep breaths. I even tried to go limp as possible. I do need to relax more. When I do get down I'm absolutly fine and have a great time. My buddy and I discussed the very issue of bringing extra weight just incase this happens. I spoke to a diver friend of ours today and he said that I should have just picked up a rock!
picking up a rock... ive done that but try not to make it a habit and try to look to see if any critters are livinig on it first.

i can also say dives that ive had hassles decending, once im down below 5mtrs/15ft and i relax and can enjoy the dive

im super buoyant for the 1st 5mtrs

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