Welcome to my
Diagnosis: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
The good news: Progression is very slow. I also have mild emphysema. blah blah blah
The bad news: The doc says...no diving!!
I'm on 2L O2 at night and when I exercise. I'm starting pulmo rehab in November. I'm in good health and I do NOT want to stop diving.
I went to Duke for a 2nd opinion. Fortunately, I was seen as a favor of another doc who teaches residents. No doubt I received the best care. I had all the tests, saw the experts. When I asked my doc if I could dive there was no hesitation; no, period. He added that he had posed that question to one of the top diving experts in the country also at Duke and he was told, 'no'.
However, I would think that if I contract an instructor for a private dive, one who fully understands the signs and symptoms related to low O2, take it very slow and stay above 40', I could continue enjoying the sport as long as my 'numbers' were ok. No, I don't have a death wish. Yes, I have great respect for my new team of Duke docs.
I can fly. I can snorkel. And Bari Reef is calling...
Guess I'll start scouring over the threads entitled, 'Where's the best beach snorkeling?'.
Until Duke comes up with a different answer,

Diagnosis: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
The good news: Progression is very slow. I also have mild emphysema. blah blah blah
The bad news: The doc says...no diving!!
I'm on 2L O2 at night and when I exercise. I'm starting pulmo rehab in November. I'm in good health and I do NOT want to stop diving.
I went to Duke for a 2nd opinion. Fortunately, I was seen as a favor of another doc who teaches residents. No doubt I received the best care. I had all the tests, saw the experts. When I asked my doc if I could dive there was no hesitation; no, period. He added that he had posed that question to one of the top diving experts in the country also at Duke and he was told, 'no'.
However, I would think that if I contract an instructor for a private dive, one who fully understands the signs and symptoms related to low O2, take it very slow and stay above 40', I could continue enjoying the sport as long as my 'numbers' were ok. No, I don't have a death wish. Yes, I have great respect for my new team of Duke docs.
I can fly. I can snorkel. And Bari Reef is calling...
Guess I'll start scouring over the threads entitled, 'Where's the best beach snorkeling?'.
Until Duke comes up with a different answer,