I suspect that is the current Surelock II, but I don't know the old system well enough to know how to tell the difference at the receiving end by sight. Aside from "trial and error" if you have one of each to test, you could try asking your LDS to contact Aqualung and ask what year they transitioned - there should be a tag somewhere with serial number and production MM/YY. The Libra ran from 2006 to 2016, and utilized three different integrated weight systems during that time. It might be an answer as simple as the Surelock change happened with the switch from Seaquest to Aqualung. (I am not saying that is so, just saying it might be that simple)
Either way, once you figure out which system, you want to get a pair of 10lb pouches. There is more than one size made, but the Libra used 10 lb for all sizes at all times according to my documentation.