I'll just add that 60 feet in the waters around Cozumel (warm and clear) is very different from 60 feet in, say, the St. Lawrence River (cold and murky). To set a 60 foot limit irrespective of other conditions seems a bit ludicrous to me. Also, experience counts much more than what it says on your cert card; I only have an OW cert, but I have been diving (mostly at Cozumel) for over 20 years. I have been deeper than 60 feet a lot. BTW, my certifying agency (PDIC) never mentioned any sort of limit on depth other than the general 130 foot guideline for recreational diving.
By all means stay with what you are comfortable with, watch your computer (get one if you don't have one) and air supply, and get your DAN insurance in place. And have fun; diving Cozumel is great!
By all means stay with what you are comfortable with, watch your computer (get one if you don't have one) and air supply, and get your DAN insurance in place. And have fun; diving Cozumel is great!