DM Final Exam

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Scuba Instructor
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Aced it!!!

Eight sections, 160 questions, only 3 wrong. OH YEAH! One wrong about tank markings, one about High Tide vs. High Slack Tide, and one about waves...Hey, in Missouri, we only have two tides: High Tide in Spring, and Low tide all other times.

Woop Woop!:bananalama:

I know, I'm a dork, but I'm a happy dork
:1book: :1book:

For info - that one about the waves is the wrong question, and none of the answers are correct!! Well - they weren't in the last version anyway, unless they've been updated without me knowing! :-)
The question about the waves was something like:
"At what depth do waves break?
A. In water 1x the height of the wave
B. In water 2x the height of the wave
C. All waves break at the same depth
D. There is no correlation between depth and wave height"

I answered B, the correct answer was A. I'm pretty sure I got that wrong, but I haven't researched it yet.

On a side note, all the wheel questions were tough, but the answers were worded in such a way that if you were off by a minute or two, the answer was still apparent.

I make all my candidates do all 8 tests at once! Although I do let them have a 10 minute break between the theory and the other three DM exams...

That is the question about the waves I was referring to. The actual answer is that waves break when the depth is 1.3 times wave height, which I don't think is really close to any of the answers! When I teach DMs I always give them that question for "free"....
Really, 1.3times? I wanted to say 1.5 times the height, so I just rounded up instead of down. I don't know much about surf and tides though, so I don't mind getting those questions wrong. It makes me look into things more carefully when I figure out what I missed.

We sat for all tests, but were free to take any breaks anytime we wanted.

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