DM candidate progress

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Reaction score
Northern California
# of dives
50 - 99
I noticed Ive been posting too many neg buoyancy posts, so time to set my trim...

After a couple of months in DM, just pool OW and DSD
followed by a day at the lake. I have completed;
1. Mask,snorkel and fins only swim, 800 yards in 12:45 min. (5 points)
2. 15 minute tread, (with the last 2min hands out of water) No float, self-rescue etc, but vertical tread. (5 points)
3. 400 yard swim, 5:28 min (5 points)

Today my Instructor taught us how to do the gear exchange. Out of the 3 of us DM candidates, I was the
dope that put on the Instructors BC with the hose caught in back of the BC, making further buddy breathing
nearly impossible.
I think if I were scored I would have got a 2, since all gear was exchanged, but we had to come up.

Just have Gear Exchange and 100-yard Diver Tow to complete the Water-skills Development, but no worries, cause I already got 15 points.

What is keeping me coming back is I really enjoy helping others, and having this relaxed, fun atmosphere with no
pressure. The more I come back and talk out my concerns, the more I grow and become a better fit in the team.
It takes time and I have to admit this training program is unlike anything I have ever done.
Today my Instructor taught us how to do the gear exchange. .

As in the gear exchange for the stress test? Because that's not something you're supposed to be able to practice. I think you get a whole 5 minutes before hand to chat with your other and then off you go.
I agree. we were not allowed any practice for the stress test. I know every instructor is different but that was the whole point of the stress test is do it without it being a practiced skill.
As in the gear exchange for the stress test? Because that's not something you're supposed to be able to practice. I think you get a whole 5 minutes before hand to chat with your other and then off you go.
then I got 2 points. - The "instruction" was on buddy breathing.

So "stress test" is the slang for this exercise, interesting.
then I got 2 points. - The "instruction" was on buddy breathing.

So "stress test" is the slang for this exercise, interesting.

If I understand you correctly, this was the first time you were taught buddy breathing? If it was, then yes, you will be allowed to practice this skill in both in a stationary position & swimming, until you achieve mastery.

The Equipment Exchange is s totally different exercise and is done with a minimum of prep as in "you two are buddies. Discuss how you'll do the gear exchange. You have four minutes to prepare..." Then four minutes later, you're doing the exchange.

FWIW, I've heard it referred to as the Equipment Exchange or Gear Exchange. No where in PADI lexicon is it referred to as a "stress test".
In the "old" course the gear exchange was separate and wasn't point based--Pass/fail, no matter what it looked like. Too bad, that's the one thing I aced.... Great work on the other stuff. You got a 5 on the 400? I think 2014 is the next Summer Olympics.....I was told we have had one guy ever (shop started up in 1997) that got a 5, and he was a highly competitive swimmer.
If I understand you correctly, this was the first time you were taught buddy breathing? If it was, then yes, you will be allowed to practice this skill in both in a stationary position & swimming, until you achieve mastery.

The Equipment Exchange is s totally different exercise and is done with a minimum of prep as in "you two are buddies. Discuss how you'll do the gear exchange. You have four minutes to prepare..." Then four minutes later, you're doing the exchange.

FWIW, I've heard it referred to as the Equipment Exchange or Gear Exchange. No where in PADI lexicon is it referred to as a "stress test".
Yes, its the first time I have done "buddy breathing" that is defined as sharing the same secondary main regulator.
(Not to be confused with the Out of Air/Breath from alternate air source taught in OW)
There is a technique and protocol for it, for example don't take an extra breath unless you wish your buddy to do the same back.
And correct, we did practice it in a vertical position underwater, surfaced, discussion, and then we paired up and practiced swimming it, each of us given the opportunity to first use my regulator, turn around use buddy's regulator.

"Equipment exchange" as it was called, was as you said; we pair up, talked about sequence and I got only one shot at it. Only seeing it before on YouTube.
My Instructor emphasizes; use the PADI lexicon and the PADI way, do not alter it.
BTW - Cool Native Orca !

---------- Post added September 15th, 2013 at 05:32 PM ----------

In the "old" course the gear exchange was separate and wasn't point based--Pass/fail, no matter what it looked like. Too bad, that's the one thing I aced.... Great work on the other stuff. You got a 5 on the 400? I think 2014 is the next Summer Olympics.....I was told we have had one guy ever (shop started up in 1997) that got a 5, and he was a highly competitive swimmer.
Thanks, my swim couch turned a middle aged poor swimmer into a US Master swimmer. Although 400 yards is not an event, a competitive time would be 3:45, and I do not come close to that.
I am remiss. There now is a specific PADI way to do the equipment exchange? The order in which you exchange stuff I presume?
I am remiss. There now is a specific PADI way to do the equipment exchange? The order in which you exchange stuff I presume?

Not according to the Instructor Manual. To wit:

"Exercise 5 — Equipment Exchange
In confined water, demonstrate the ability to effectively respond to an unusual circumstance underwater by exchanging all scuba equipment (except exposure suits and
weights) with a buddy while sharing a single regulator second stage.

• Orient candidates to procedures for sharing a single regulator second stage, including exhalation between breaths and not covering the purge button as the regulator is passed back and forth.
• Give buddy teams less than five minutes to discuss the exercise.
• Have candidates begin sharing a single regulator second stage in water too deep in which to stand, exchange equipment and continue sharing air until they reach shallow water.
• Do not assign problems – allow candidates to resolve any naturally-occuring ones.

Score Criteria
5 Task performed in a well-thought-out, efficient and purposeful manner with no sign of problems; very low anxiety level. Looks routine and appears easy.
4 Task performed competently with a relatively low anxiety level. Challenges encountered were easily and efficiently handled.
3 Complete exchange occurred without surfacing. However, numerous challenges were encountered that delayed the speed and efficiency of the performance. This score is also
appropriate for a diver overly dependent on another.

2 Significant problems demonstrated, and exchange completed only after one or both team members surfaced once.
1 Inability to complete the exchange; or exchange completed with one or both divers surfacing more than once.

Meanwhile, from the 2011 Divemaster Teaching Guide:

"Exercise 5: Equipment Exchange – This exercise creates an environment with unforeseeable challenges that requires candidates to apply their experience, knowledge and creativity to meet the demands of the moment. It is a problem-solving evaluation and development tool only – it has no other application.
In confi ned water:
• Assign buddy teams and have candidates put on full scuba equipment. Orient candidates to procedures for sharing the same single regulator second stage, including exhalation between breaths and not covering the purge button as the regulator is passed back and forth.
• Give buddy teams less than fi ve minutes to discuss the exercise. Have candidates begin sharing a single regulator second stage in water too deep in which to stand, exchange equipment and continue sharing air until they swim into shallow water.

PADI’s Guide to Teaching
• Variation from normal diving practice is acceptable during the exchange, because this exercise creates highly unusual circumstances.
• Evaluate each candidate’s ability to control stress while solving problems. It’s acceptable to give each member of a buddy team a different score if one member
dominates the exercise, or if it’s obvious that difficulties lie with one candidate substantially more than the other.
• Do not assign problems during this exercise. Problems and unforeseeable challenges typically occur naturally during the exercise fot candidates to resolve.

I thought the gear exchange was pretty easy. It took less than 5 mins with a few mins prior to discuss how we would swap gear. I wouldn't sweat it, once you do it you will probably think the same thing.

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