Hi,just to clarify a few points, I was diving on normal air, and not nitrox. I was also descnding head first with my buddy when I started to go funny! I really don't think I was narked as i was on;y in about 7m when this occured. I HAD also closed my eyes to try and stop the dizziness - its from this point it goes a bit blank.
As to not diving i cold water, my four certification dives were done in water that was 10*C in a 6mm semi dry. I'm not sure why I've had these incidents but I want to sort it out so I can dive in britain. My dive buddy understands this and wants me to go back out with him. But am taking it one dive at a time right now, am diving next week in warm clear water, so should have more of an idea what I'm going to do after that.
There was a very valid point though, I AM very lucky to be here, if it wasn't for my buddies very quick thinking and cool reaction its very likely that I could have been another stat. I know that I can completely trust him, and he knows he can trust his rescue training!
However I point I would like to make, I won't be diving with just 1 other person for quite a while, until I feel confident that I can look after my buddy the same way he looked after me.
Wow, this seems like a huge post with not much in it - sorry guys!
As to not diving i cold water, my four certification dives were done in water that was 10*C in a 6mm semi dry. I'm not sure why I've had these incidents but I want to sort it out so I can dive in britain. My dive buddy understands this and wants me to go back out with him. But am taking it one dive at a time right now, am diving next week in warm clear water, so should have more of an idea what I'm going to do after that.
There was a very valid point though, I AM very lucky to be here, if it wasn't for my buddies very quick thinking and cool reaction its very likely that I could have been another stat. I know that I can completely trust him, and he knows he can trust his rescue training!
However I point I would like to make, I won't be diving with just 1 other person for quite a while, until I feel confident that I can look after my buddy the same way he looked after me.
Wow, this seems like a huge post with not much in it - sorry guys!