linuxbaba:Hi PanamaMike,
Where is larry@... address. I would like to get this for study.
I cannot get the Yahoo Web Access wrok.
Or, If you have another location to let us download it. That is great.
Please help.
Member Scubatoys said he'd make my .zip file available on his website, so I
e-mailed it to the Larry at ScubaToys dot Com e-mail address I had on hand
so he could do so. That e-mail address I used was one I had on hand from
buying things from him over the years, including the AirLab for which I made
that cable(thanks Scubatoys). I posted on this board that I e-mailed it to
him so he'd know where to find it, since frankly I don't even know that
scubaboard member Scubatoys is Larry. Sorry for the confusion, I should
have PM'ed him.
Anywa, PM me your e-mail address and I'll e-mail the file to you, too.
It's 562827 bytes.