Diving with partial lung removal

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A friend of mine was talking to me today about his boss. His boss wants to learn to dive, but he was wondering if it's safe. He had a partial lung removal. He said that 7/8 of the upper part of his lung was what was removed. His doctor has said that he can do anything, and has no restrictions.

Has anyone ever heard of someone with this diving?

Thanks for any thoughts you may have.
If the disease process for which the lung removal was done is under control, and his lung function is normal, I can't think of any reason why he could not dive.
I know someone who had one lung removed and has been diving for years. I don't want to say what is safe (or a good idea), I wouldn't know, but it is possible.
Dived with Ron, a friend with one lung, 40 years ago. He was also a better free-diver than I (although I'm not that good). Ron, you still out there?
Gary Gentile also had a lung removed, and he's done thousands of dives including cold and decompression dives, still going strong.
Sept 96 I had the upper lobe left operated on and a large part removed.
I'm still diving.

Do you have to dive with any special restrictions or is everything the same for you as with any other diver?

Thanks again...
Hi again!
No, I have no restrictions according to my pulmonary doctor at Leahy Clinic.
Ditto with my cardiologist. I limit depth to 70 to 90 fsw max as my diving is
mostly just under the thermocline here in the Gulf of Maine/Mass Bay.
70-90 ft. is an arbitrary limit ,I have copd as a result of my operation and
I no longer feel comfortable at depth. Also I am 64 years old and don't push
it to far nowadays.But fwiw,I'd listen to TS&M on this as she has medical
expertise and sees no problem. I'd say your friend should listen to Doc and

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