Diving Vancouver, BC

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My wife and I had the pleasure of doing a few dives with Abyssal Dive Lodge out of Quadra Island last Christmas. It was top notch, Uncle Pug was there at the same time, I believe he wrote a review on the board somewhere. The diving was beautiful, we dive in the Atlantic off Nova Scotia, I couldn't believe how much more life was in BC.
I've done the Saguenay in Lunenberg a few times, it's ok, kind of boring, not much life really. The Columbia was a whole new ball game, covered in life, several octopus make it their home, I think it's about 100' at absolute bottom, the current wasn't much at all. The captain ( I think his name is Earl ) really know's what he's doing, he gets you to the sites at slack, and lets you know where to go to see the good stuff. We did a beautiful drift called Row and be Damned, it's a wall that drops to about 100' I believe, we sat around 60' for most of it. I'm not good at gauging current, but you could turn and fin against it to stop and look at something without too much effort. Fish and life everywhere you looked, awesome, and good for lazy people... There was a cool back eddy as well, if you roll off the wall 10' or so, it starts taking you back in the other direction, neat stuff.
We didn't stay at the lodge, but we had the pleasure of heading back for an hour or so for some food. It's a beautiful chalet style home, very large, complete with hot tub and excellent meals. I would definitely look at staying there if my in laws didn't live in Courtney.
I love the east coast but it doesn't hold a candle to the life to be found out west. I had 46 F on all dives and it was the end of Dec, hard to get over the novelty of charter boats in the water past Nov.... We got 36 F today in 35', and not a charter boat to be found....ah well

safe diving all

safe diving all.....
I brought in the New Year in Nanaimo ... doing four dives in two days.

Weather was windy and snowing. Seas were choppy ... on Tuesday we declined diving at Snake Island because we couldn't get the boat to hold an anchor. But we did go back on Wednesday and dive the wall successfully. A beautiful, 51 minute dive capped off by spending about 13 minutes in 10-15 feet of water playing with the harbor seals.

Our other dives were on the Saskatchewan and Jesse Island (twice). Vis was 50-60 feet both days ... with an awesome variety of sea critters to look at.

Overall a great way to ring out 2003 and bring in 2004 ... if you don't mind getting a little cold. Temps were below freezing above water and ranged from 39 to 43 degrees F below ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Anyone ever dived this site up in the Charlottes? I think it just might be the most beautiful place I was ever at. Entire walls covered with those 4' anemones and all sorts of hydrocorals and things on the bottom; standing room only.

The kind of thing that makes you wonder why people even bother with warm water diving.

One of these days I'll scan a few snaps I took last time if that gallery thing is working.

On the other hand, maybe we should be keeping these places secret.

I'm looking to visit my Mum in Victoria for Christmas - I was hoping to squeeze in a dive or 2. Ok maybe 4. lol

Are there any charters available at this time of year?

My Buddy and I are fine with the cold water - we ice dive here in Ontario. And we are in the water quick after the ice is gone (April)

Any suggestions?

Dolphin Girl

Charters in Victoria are done year round. The breakwater has two boats that they run...I think (not positive here - anyone?) their zodiak they run to Race Rocks for the sealions in winter..but they do have another boat that is more equipped as well. The lions are big, and is usually recommended that you be AOW...as they can be a tad boisterous....but WOW are they amazing...

Frank Whites does charters too, but I think that they are more out of sidney and do the wrecks...but they might switch to the sealions for winter..

Nice thing about Victoria is that even the shore diving is fantastic. Check out the breakwater, or 10 mile point. Frank Whites has free guided dives every saturday morning...
[crazed_dolphin Has anyone dived off Vancouver Island, British Columbia? I hear the dive there is great. Your impressions please.]

Where are you thinking of diving ? I would head north forsure. But if you are diving in and around Victoria you can have fantastic diving. :thumb:

Winter is the divers best time of the year. Nasty surface temps wind and such but the viss is just crazy 2 + at times but an average of 100' is the norm in winter. Water temps rage from 46 to 50 degrees. Loads of people dive wet but you may enjoy yourself more dry. As for life it is just fantastic as a non warm water diver I have been told we have more life then most warm water destinations.

Hope you have an excellent time and great dives.

:sunny Derek
I never said a word about Powell River :D
Thanks etype!

I made a trip to Nanaimo over the weekend to visit a friend and only had time to squeeze in a couple of dives. As per etype's suggestion I made the trip north to Parksville and found Madrona Point. WOW, what a beautiful dive! I saw a couple octopus at only 25 feet and the life just never seemed to end. This was a great "quickie" dive. We didn't even make it to the wall there was just so much to see above 40 feet. Maybe next time!

This was my first time diving the island and I'll be back for sure. The only difficult thing will be chosing the next dive site!

How did I miss this thread? There is tonnes of great diving here. I'm looking forward to going out in a few weeks. I havn't been able to dive recently due to work and sinus congestion. :(

Frank Whites has free guided dives every saturday morning...

They also have dives on Sunday morning from the Keating Store although not as many people show up.
Has anyone dived off Vancouver Island, British Columbia? I hear the dive there is great. Your impressions please.[/QUO

Crazed_dolphin have you ever dove in California? The good diving in British Columbia is on Vancouver Island, where the life is a lot like California's but ten times the size and a hundred time more abundant. The further north you go on the island the better the diving gets, but keep in mind that the water is cold and the current can be strong at times. The diving isn't for the faint of heart. Some dry suit experience is a must, unless you don't mind being cold.

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