Diving Tues

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Reaction score
charlotte county, fl
# of dives
25 - 49
Cub and I beach diving off Alham on Tues around 8-830 if anyone is bored.
We feeling the need for bubbles!
I'll have to check my schedule...................

Schedule is empty for Tuesday so I just might be able to talk myself into going diving. :)

I love being on Vacation. LOL
Well we prefer Alhamy to all other places. And I have to stop in NOPO to pick her up at the exs.TG I dont have to see him ruins the whole day. I have a black and silver aerostar van. This will be my #20 dive! Warming up for Jamie on sat. Im feeling the big toof! But I have to let the cubby find it.
Well we prefer Alhamy to all other places. And I have to stop in NOPO to pick her up at the exs.TG I dont have to see him ruins the whole day. I have a black and silver aerostar van. This will be my #20 dive! Warming up for Jamie on sat. Im feeling the big toof! But I have to let the cubby find it.

Well today's dives on the Aristakat will be either dives 17 and 18 for me or dives 27 and 28. OK are you confused? I lost my original log book and replaced it with a notebook. The plan was when I found my log book I would transfer the dives over. Well then the bank foreclosed on the house and everything (I thought) got packed up and I moved. The other day I found my log book (YAY), however I still have not found the notebook I was using as a replacement. So rather than have a big gap in my log book I've decided to just continue on from the last entry. So yesterdays dive was dive 16/26. Although considering I have been certified for 6 yrs only having 26 dives really sucks.
Crappy conditions for my limited diving experience. I knew we would get pounded just tryign to get out to deeper water. So a nice hour long drive for nothing. Im getting frustrated now. Not one single nice day for me to get wet when Im off work. I need bubbles dang it. My stress is high! Hopefully it will calm down for this weekend.

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