Diving thursday

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Reaction score
charlotte county, fl
# of dives
25 - 49
Im thinking of diving this Thursday 6/18. If I got enuff gas. If anyone needs
a buddy. Holler. Im thinking alhambra around mid morning. As I work nights
so by the time I wake up it will be later.
Sounds good, wed wont work for me since I get home at 7am from working all night and I got a 3pm drs lol. But thurs is nice and open.
Still looking for anyone for Thurs. Holler if u interested!
It was a nice day. Went to Alhambra. Swam out to about 3/4 of the pier I know not a true measure but meh.. went down and hit 21 ft right off the bat lol. Kinda silty around 23 ft not alot of teeth today. Did find a pretty nice 3 inch meg whole but worn a half of a really thick meg but it was broken I think cubby found a whales ear bone. But its huge. About the size of a donut. Perfectly round got the swirly dips on both sides. Terry wasnt sure. I found a jaw plate of a puffer fish kewl looking. Seen that hi hat fish again. But over all wasnt too bad. Viz was a bit murky but that was probably from the storm last night. I ll post pics of the teefies once i fig out how to do it.

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