If primary interest during your off gassing is having some night life, you might try Mactan depending on your budget you can find some decent places there, or you could opt for a place in the city with day trips to the beach. I have found that Agoda will provide a great list of places to stay, but I also found that i can always get a better rate contacting the hotels directly..
Alternatively, you can sneak over to Bohol on a fast ferry Ocean Fast Ferries Corporation (Oceanjet) - fast crafts, cebu, tagbilaran, dumaguete, dapitan, siquijor see the Chocolate hills and visit the adventure park in Danao www.eatdanao.com . We had a great time there in June.
Alternatively, you can sneak over to Bohol on a fast ferry Ocean Fast Ferries Corporation (Oceanjet) - fast crafts, cebu, tagbilaran, dumaguete, dapitan, siquijor see the Chocolate hills and visit the adventure park in Danao www.eatdanao.com . We had a great time there in June.