Diving Thanksgiving Weekend?

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Reaction score
Omaha, NE
# of dives
200 - 499
Anybody diving Beaver, Table Rock or Oronogo over Thanksgiving Weekend?

I wish, we're dry until our trip to Curacao. With the exception of a possible pool session. Only 60 days to go!
By the way, what's with all this white stuff on the ground? :eek_2:
No kidding... Guess winter really is here. Was supposed to dive Blue Hole in NM last weekend (actually supposed to still be there), but it was closed for dredging. Went down to Bonne Terre instead. Had a great time and some fun dives... Probably won't get out again until after the new year...
I'll be at a wedding, sadly enough in Springfield...to be that close to Oronogo & Beaver and not diving really stinks...
I'm diving at SA Quarries if things go right. I'd like to go to Tablerock but I just picked up a drysuit and have had only one lesson so far. It's kind of nice, but also different compared to a wetsuit.

I figure I won't dive away from the quarry until my instructor says I've got it down. They think I'll need 5 dives or so to get comfortable. I'm hoping for less, but it's all fun and if it takes 5 or more then that's what it takes.

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