diving sri lanka

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i'm looking for information on diving in sri lanka -- comments from people that have been there, suggestions for guide books or dive shops, pretty much anything.

i'm looking at spending several months (march and april), and from what i can tell, probably on the south side of the island.

thanks for your help!
Oh no! don't go diving Sri Lanka ! From my experience, it's a pure waste of time.

I went diving around Unawatuna last year in feb. it is located south of Hikkaduwa and supposed to have better corals than the latter's destroyed coral gardens. There are no corals only barren rocks, almost no fish life and the viz is at max 6-7 meters.

The north-eastern coast is supposed to provide a better dive spot around Trincomalee, but it should only be diveable during the Jun-Oct months. I did not manage to find any information about dive centres as the area was recovering from the civil war and only one resort at the time could cater for NGO staff or tourists.

Your best option should taking a return trip to the Maldives which are very short distance from SL (1 hour flight).
Last time I was there was '80 or '81; there were a few good spots just north of Trincomalee, some interesting little islands & such. Zero facilities, we'd filled in the Philippines, and when tanks were drained we were done with Sri Lankan diving.
A lot of unpleasantness in the area since then could make it even less of a good prospect today than it was 20 years ago.
Good luck, and please update us when you find out for sure.
I have a memory of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) that is vivid and worth sharing. When we pulled in there it was after being at sea for 63 days - 63 days of open ocean air. When I woke up as we were approaching our anchorage, my nose was assaulted with the acrid smoke of a thousand dung and coconut husk fires the Sri Lankans were using to cook breakfast. After leaving there, even the ship's laundry (which boils the laundry) took a month to get the smoke smell out of our clothes.
The "fresh" water was so badly contaminated that those who dared even shower in it came down with rashes and traveller's diarrhea.
The spices they use in local dishes tasted like perfume to me. I'm a gustatory guy who relishes local cuisine, but even for me this stuff was a bit hard to take. (but I ate it... and smiled)
i'll probably do some diving anyway (almost 2 months next to the water, seriously doubt that i could be that patient), but it's good to know not to expect much

I spent three weeks diving the west coast from Negombo in the north down as far as Tangalla in the south during december 2002
It was very good for viisbility and wrecks. There is no coral to speak of but plenty else to see.
I am returning this september to dive off Trincomallee
How diid you get on ?
I've spent several months recently diving at Hikkaduwa. If you go in the season from November to April the visibility is up to 25m.
I got the chance to dive on some of the 19 shipwrecks around Hikkaduwa, and would especially recommend Conch and Earl of Shaftesbury.
The coral in the shallow reef has been bleached to quite an extent but go on the deeper dives to Kirala Gala and Black Coral Point and you can see intact soft corals.
All the dives are by boat and you're always accompanied by excellent divemasters, on a few of the boat journeys we managed to see dolphin and even a whaleshark.
I would strongly recommend Poseidon Diving Station for their professioanl and friendly service and that they are a PADI centre and would warn you to beware of many of the fake PADI centres in the area who are not registered and uninsured.
Have a great time.

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