Diving Similans in March - Thailand Unrest

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I'm heading off to Phuket at the end of March to dive with Scuba Cat on MV Scuba Adventure. Anyone know anything about the current unrest in Thailand? What is the risk if this isn't resolved by then?
Phuket is quiet and it looks like it will stay that way.

Everybody has declared the airports in Bangkok and Phuket will be kept open.

So I would say there are no problems now and it looks like there will no problems in the future.
How are you getting to Phuket? Seems like the majority of the issues are in Bangkok proper, and if you are flying into Bangkok, there is a potential for some issue. The international airport (Suvarnabhumi) is pretty divorced from downtown (it's a solid 1 hour drive) but if you flying NokAir from Bangkok to Phuket, IIRC it flies out of the old airport which is much closer to downtown...which could be problematic. Basically, stay as far from downtown Bangkok as you can....or hopefully you are going directly to Phuket. But if you are landing in Bangkok, traffic is terrible even in the best of times, so make sure you have plenty of time to get to your destination and thru security. Personally, I would avoid public transport from Bangkok to Phuket, but that's me.

I would make sure you have trip insurance, DAN insurance and a backup plan...you never know.

Once you are in Phuket and on the water, you are probably the most safe you could be!

There has been political (separatist) unrest in the southern 2 regions (e.g. Yala province) for the past couple of years...I would absolutely avoid going there as you never know if they could use the protests in Bangkok as a reason to step up their violence. You won't be going there as part of your trip, but in case you planned on doing any exploring before and after.

This may help....
What Bangkok State Of Emergency Means For Thailand Tourists

This kind of thing happens all the time in Africa. You just have to be very situationally aware. Stay clear of the hotspots, try to blend in (e.g. avoid really touristy stuff), avoid and/or be very vigiliant during public transport and try to get plugged into the expat community.

Good luck!
I am in phuket now. I go on the white manta liveaboard today. In bangkok airport a few more security. At phuket airport seemed like the normal security. On the streets in phuket nothing unusual. The biggest thing is all government offices are closed. Thai people in phuket still friendly with all tourist shops and tours open. In bangkok there are a few locations where the problems are. I had the same concerns but glad I am on my trip. On my flight to phuket thai air did cancel my flight. I was put on the next flight but. Thai air paid my hotel in bangkok and put me on first flight to phuket.
I'm flying direct into Phuket from Hong Kong so it sounds like unless anything changes, all will be good. Thanks to everyone for the quick responses.

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I was in bangkok and koh lanta the last time the red shirts were rioting and threatening to take the airport....was possibly the best time to be a tourist as the security at BKK was beefed up, less tourists so a nice half empty airport, vendors were hurting so prices on shopping were good and people were very happy to see tourists/divers not put off by the media reports. I would say go and have a great time. Tourists arent the issue here..if you stay out of political protests and ''hot'' areas you will be fine. Never saw any trouble in phuket or lanta.
Personally I wouldn't even consider the unrest unless you are planning to visit central Bangkok. These problems have been going on in various forms since the September 2006 military coup, and have never affected anything I do.
Apart from a few days during November / December 2008 when the yellow shirt protests closed the airport, and from March - May 2010 when the red shirt protests closed parts of central Bangkok. I am unaware of anything else that has had a major impact on tourists. Current protest leaders have made assurances that they will not target the airports again.
Even during the 2010 protests that did become violent I visited Bangkok several times during that period and quite easily avoided the problem areas.
Come to Thailand, enjoy your holiday, just leave the politics to those that it concerns, and I am sure you will have a great time.
Just returned from Thailand on the 22nd after a month long visit. Was in Chaing Mai, Bangkok, Samui, and Khoa Lak. Spent two days touring Bangkok when demonstrations were going on. Tour guides just routed us around the demonstrations. Saw the areas of the demonstrations after they ended and looked like a big concert had occurred with lots of trash and people cleaning it up. The demonstrations appeared to be similar to the Occupy Wall Street activities that occurred in the U.S. a few years ago. No issues in any other cities. Security did seem to be raised when boarding flights back to the states. The security seemed to be performed by the airlines and not necessarily the Thai government.
We'd say you have absolutely zero cause for concern. We've had several staff members and customers in Bangkok in the last couple of weeks and to be honest there are not any major issues that tourists need to be concerned about. Its definitely nowhere close to what overseas media is hyping it up to be! Other than a few 'protests' which are basically people playing music and marching down some of the main streets, you wouldn't notice a difference - other than taxi journeys taking alternate routes thus a bit longer and more difficult to traverse the city.

Plus if you are flying direct to Phuket, you'l be well out of all any action anyway, so no worries at all.

Happy holidays :)

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