Diving Sicily

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Have done a search but not much info so I thought I'd ask again. Does anyone know what diving on the eastern side of Sicily is like (near Catania). Is it worth doing and are there any reputable companies? We're looking to do one or two days worth and don't want to go very deep. Are there reefs/benthic life/fish?

Hello there, Divesicily Diving and Watersports Center are located in Taormina, in the Sicilian east coast, take a look at Scuba Diving & Water Sports Center Taormina Naxos Sicily DiveSicily.com and you will see something extraordinary as Roman and Greek columns on the bottom of Naxos Harbor, or a thousands of shrimps in one of many underwater caverns along the coast, this and many dives (around forthy) you will find at Scuba Diving & Water Sports Center Taormina Naxos Sicily DiveSicily.com a professional school Padi and Diving Center located at Mazzaro Bay, Taormina, just few steps down the Cablecar station, here is their tel. Number. (+39) 360 289 555 english speaking. for more info do not hesitate to contact Divesicily and Alex in Particular.

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