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One Ocean JUST replied back, they have no openings. LOLI was recently recommended One Ocean Dive resort (Home english) in Kristiansand, maybe they could accommodate you?
Thanks for the confirmation of water temps, I'm trying to figure out which undergarments to pair up with my drysuit.I don't have any dives that far north, so I can't say anything with certainty, but the surface temperature of the water in Tromsø in june is averaging at 8.8°C / 47.8°F according to www.seatemperature.org. I wouldn't expect the temperature at 20-30m to be higher than that, since it peaks in August around 12-13°C, but most of the year it's colder. I would be prepared for 4-9°C/39-48°F.
Hope they get back to you and figure something out.