Diving Rampage 07-20-04

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Scuba Instructor
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500 - 999
I'm going out with Captain Bob on Rampage this coming Tuesday to welcome fellow SB'er, MDColson, to the warm Florida waters. If anyone wants to join us, let me know.
Sorry I can't join you, but you picked a great charter. Have a blast!!!
O, and say Hi to the turtles for me..
ahhhh.....no worries, thanks!!! I'm out on this boat with Capt. Bob and Mike Law all the time, perhaps I'll run into you one day!
Well, how was it?
It was my first time diving a boat, and my first time diving in warm florida water. (I'm from cold/dark New England) It was awesome! The people on the rampage were nice, and they took us to some cool places. First we went to the Palm Beach Corridor (multi wreck site) then a drift dive (don't remember what it was called). We had such a good time, we're going again on sunday afternoon.
Like MDColson said, it was awesome!!!! 2 very VERY large Jew fish, some smaller ones too, the lobsters were watching us all and laughing, very nice sizes. The first site was called Mazpah (I think thats how it might be spelled) there were several wrecks all together. We had such a blast... Our pictures are posted on their wed page now. (palmbeachdiving.com) I can't wait to get back on the boat on Sunday, so far there's 3 of us SB'ers going, anyone else wanna come?

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