Diving out of Atlantic Beach June 27 or the June 28th looking for buddies

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Reaction score
San Francisco CA
# of dives
100 - 199
Hello all,

I havebeen trying to get a trip aboard one of the smaller Dive operators. I have June27 or 28 or both dates available. Currently I am try trying to find people thatcan help me make this happen. We will be in control of the types of diving wewish to do. 2 tank 3 tank wreck diving and spear fishing, closer to shore orfarther out. They operate a 6 person boat and it looks great. The Captain hasbeen recommended to me by other divers and has been helping me put thistogether. Hopefully you will be interested. Here is the link to the to the siteof Atlantic Beach Divers. http://www.atlanticbeachdiving.us/home.asp

I reside in Northern California and am looking forward to getting thistogether or open to other offers

Dennis Belcher

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