Diving Near Panama City in Mid-Sept

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Atlanta, GA
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25 - 49

I'm in the beginning stages of planning a trip to Panama City for mid-September and would like to get a day-trip dive in if possible. I will only be in town for 5 days and assuming my hotel is in Panama City - are there any real day-trip diving options? Also, what is visibility/current/weather generally like during September?

It's very doable. The location: Portobelo. The dive operator: Scubapanama.

Portobelo is within two hours driving time from Panama (the city). Rent a car at Albrook (Gelebert) Airport and drive to Portobelo. Scubapanama is pretty accomodating, especially on week days, with the dive times. They generally go when you're ready. The cost for a two-tank dive is $85. Check out their website and email Christian at Scubapanama.

I'm going there for four days in early September. It should be very good for visibility and the seas. The period between the end of August and the end of November is supposed to be the best diving on the Caribbean side in Panama.

At Portobelo, the typical visibility is between 30' and 45'. But, the reefs are very nice, with lots of fish and critters. September is supposed to be much better.

If you had more time, I would recommend flying to Bocas del Toro and diving with Bocas Water Sports. But, you would need at least 3 three days for that trip.

Have a good time.
Recall that Panama City is on the Pacific, while both Portobelo and Bocas del Toro are on the Caribbean. (Portobelo is close to Panama City, Bocas is far away). Isla Contadora, Taboga and the Islas Perlas are nearby and are Pacific diving. Check with one of the local dive shops in Panama City if you would like to arrange either a Pacific or Caribbean dive trip. One of the coolest things is to do a morning dive in the Pacific and an afternoon dive in the Caribbean. I've done it before, but only in Panama and Costa Rica.

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