Diving near Orlando - need some advice.

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New Jersey and Bermuda
I have a conference in Orlando, the second week of December. I am considering flying in a day or two early, to allow a weekend for diving. I would like to dive some of the springs nearby, but I am not cavern certified, only AOW with deep and wreck specialties. What are my options given my cert level? Also, I will be coming alone, so are there places where they will buddy you up? Also need cheap accomodations for two nights.
Hey -

Most of the cavern stuff seems to be in and around Williston.

I've been to Devil's Den www.devilsden.com
I'd like to go to the Blue Grotto www.divebluegrotto.com
The 40 Fathom Grotto appears to requre Cavern Diving Dert. and/or a divemaster www.psa-usa.com

The Devil's Den only requires OW cert. Max depth of 40 feet or so. My computer reported an avg. depth of 16 ft. You should be able to dive all day long. Only air fills are available. Lots of fun.

All of these places are about 2 hours north of Orlando, they are near Gainesville.

The Daytona/Cape Canaveral Dive boats will be closer.

No idea about the accomodations.

You don't have to be cavern cert to dive Forty Fathom Grotto, but you do have to have a guide that is checked out to dive there. You could contact them about diving there. You have to have divemaster cert in order to be checked out for guide status there.

Ginnie Springs is another place you may want to check out. You don't need cavern cert to dive in the main Ginnie Spring or to go into the Ballroom there and you can swim on the outside of the other springs there anddo a shallow drift dive down the spring run to the river and back. www.ginniespringsoutdoors.com.

You could get a charter out of Daytona which is about an hour east of Orlando. Sea Dogs is a good op. www.seadogdiver.com.

You may want to just drive down to Jupiter or West Palm if you want to do some ocean diving. There is some nice drift dives in West Palm and its just about 2 hours away. try www.therampage.com.

Or you could always just do a tank dive at the EPCOT over at Dinsey, but its kinda expensive.
I'd vote for jupiter. But keep an alternate plan and an eye out for the weather. The winds prevail out of the east during the winter making for a bumpy ride. If you are ok with that it's still a great drift dive.
and I might be able to break myself away from my busy schedule to dive with you. I am a Grotto guide so thats a distinct possibility. There are also other springs like Paradise and Blue to look at, as well as the West Palm area or the Sarasota area. Might be a good time for Daytona Beach, though it will be a tad rougher in Dec. For direct contact, my E-Mail is pjm@NetDr.cc . Later dude!
Thanks for all the advice and offers, everyone. I am also considering another option: flying into Miami and diving in the Keys (maybe check out the Spiegel) on one day, then drive my rental up past Orlando and check out one of the springs on the other day. Flying out of Orlando after my conference.

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