Diving in San Diego

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Hello everybody!
I don't know if this thread is already up, but I wanted to ask: How's the diving down in San Diego, California?
I'm going there in a couple of weeks, and I was planning on making a dive.
I'm from Hawaii, so there's generally good dive conditions here. If anybody knows, Is it very different from Hawaii? I'm sure it is, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
Thank you
I'm in the San Francisco area now, but learned to dive in San Diego waters.

There is certainly lots to see, but the vis will be less than what you are accustomed to seeing....

It is a bit colder than Hawaii...

Visit Wreck Alley if you wish...You don't have to go inside a wreck to have fun. :)


Good luck!


I also got certified in San Diego.

Water is a bit cold and visability not the greatest, but some possible spots are:
La Jolla Shores
Then there are the marine canyons that drop off hundreds of feet.

good luck!

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