I,m a teacher in Kuwait (six years) and can tell you that life in Kuwait is ...well......different. Life here is easy, maids for very reasonable cost, (I pay above the average scale and give my maid 2 days off a week, bonus of a months salary at Christmas, I've been with her for years, she thinks the sun shines out of my... People to do everything for you including washing my car everynight, bringing in the groceries, running errands etc.
That being said Kuwait is the most rascist place you can imagine. Kuwaiti's are arrogant and treat us like yesterdays kleenex.. ( Gross generalization, some are quite nice) but they treat the Asians like crap, maid abuse is rampant, many maids have to run from their employers because of physical and sexual abuse.
The driving is awful! Nobody here learns how to drive, they get their licenses through wasta and accidents are way too common. The road system is completely overwhelmed and traffic jams can be horrible.
The money for teachers is no longer great, but the life is easy and the school year short. The children are all brought up by Philipino maids, they are arropgant and rude as are the parents. (See note above concerning overgeneralization.) Many teachers quit after the first year, can't hack the attitude. Accept that you are a hired gun, take the money ($60 per hour to tutor) and leave as soon as possible. Check out Internatiomal School Review for details on individual schools.
Very tight expat groups with lots of activities, but this is not the place to come if you are single and want to date ANYONE! Lots of coffee shops and ethnic restaurants, ( Western too if you want). The main activity for Kuwaities is shopping, the Emir just gave every citizen 1000 kd to blow so I expect inflation to increase.
Diving here is not worth it, take the 1 1/2 hour cheap (Jazeera ) flight to Sharm and do some real diving.