Diving in Fiji - Mamanuca Islands from Amunuca Island Resort

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Reaction score
Australia - Southern HIghlands NSW
# of dives
2500 - 4999
Hi All

Going on a weeks holiday to Fiji as a reward to my non diving partner who has sat beside pools in diving areas with no beach or coffee shops or restaurants or anything that might interest her.

I know it ain't great diving in the Mamanuca Islands, I was wondering if anyone has been there and whether it was worth booking more than a couple of dives whilst I am there.

Also I will take the camera but what is there to photograph? I do mainly macro but happy to do anything apart from wide angle.

It's been awhile since I've been diving in the Mamanuca's, and I was not there to dive, but rather diving was a side benefit. As you know with all the great diving in Fiji, it's not the place for a "dive" vacation. It does have good to occassionally very good sites, and you will find it enjoyable but not remarkable. My "macro-buddies" could generally find lots more there to entertain themselves than I could looking for large critters or big formations.

I wouldn't prepay for dives, but take them one at a time. Quiz them everyday about what they have planned. Too much at these resorts depends on the number and experience (lot's of intro-divers) of divers and the ONE boat and the ONE DM they may have. This can work to your advantage, the last time I was here the DM was ready to get away from all the hand-holding pool divers and do some real diving, pinnacles, sharks, caves, and night dives.
Basically, what 1erCRU said. The dive crew are good, at least they were when I went up there a couple of years ago to shoot some video. If you don't expect too much, you might be pleasantly surprised... but you might not :)
Thanks guys for the advice.

Can you easily get to Beqa lagoon for the soft corals? I dived there about 20 years ago and it was one of the best dives ever with caves under the coral full of life and some of the biggest soft corals I have seen.

I will book on a daily basis and hope to get 3-6 dives in during the week. Then off to Bali in November for some more serious diving .....
Other than the shark dives at Bega I was very disappointed with the diving there....however, the weather was pretty crappy nearly the whole month I was there.
Thanks guys for the advice.

Can you easily get to Beqa lagoon for the soft corals? I dived there about 20 years ago and it was one of the best dives ever with caves under the coral full of life and some of the biggest soft corals I have seen.

I will book on a daily basis and hope to get 3-6 dives in during the week. Then off to Bali in November for some more serious diving .....
Once yo are back in Denerau where the Yasawa ferry departs from, it is about a 3 hour trip to Pacific Harbour where the Beqa dives are run from. easy to get there in either a taxi, tourist bus or locals minibus - in order of decreasing price. Shark dive is cool, but I suspect the soft corals are not as fabulous as you remember. Having said that, there are some very cool dives there especially Fantasea and Side Street. Currents and weather can reduce the fun on occasions. The PEarl is a nice place for your non diving other half to hang out with a visit to the craft centre thrown in...
If you will be in the Mamanucca's, then it is definitely worth diving there. We dove quite a few places when sailing through and we enjoyed it. I wouldn't pick it specifically out of the world, but more than worth the time.
I am surprised that Beqa, apart from the shark dive, which wasn't there when I dived it, is not how I remember it.

We went out (1985?) and when I jumped over the side the only thing of interest was a bunch of batfish looking for a feed. Then the dive guide indicated to come under the edge of the coral and there were soft corals everywhere of many colours about 4-5ft long and 4 caves that went from one side of the coral to the other and full of fish. It was a great dive and very memorable. I ran out of film after one swim through and was frustrated at the number of things I was missing out on.

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