Diving Boneyard on Aristakat Monday 8/3

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Lawrence, KS
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0 - 24
Im coming down this weekend with my daughter for 3 days of diving. At the moment the Aristakat is an empty boat on Monday 8/3.... so if anyone would like to join us call Capt Jamie at:


My daughter and I are getting wet regardless, it would just be nice to get a few more!
Well make sure you take lots of pictures of your finds. I wish I could go with you but I have to be in school Monday and Tuesday. :crying: Just glad someone is getting to go. Have fun and be safe Sea ya
I tagged along, and I had a great time on the Arista-kat today!

It was my first time diving out there, and it was a blast. I took a picture of my finds, but I haven't gotten a chance to clean them yet, because I had some medical issues after getting home. Not sure if it was dive related, but I'm thinking that it probably was. Had problems breathing/chest, back and neck pain. Lasted for about 5 hours, but I am feeling a bit better now.
Here's my pic from today.


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Finally got the fossils cleaned up from our trip with Capt. Jamie last week...

Some before and after. A couple of whole megs and some frags... can you spot the excellent condition leaverite?

This was a great trip and I hope to repeat it sooner rather than later. Thanks Capt Jamie and crew for a great trip....

PS... Becca got her necklace and additional teeth in the mail and she was ecstatic :bounce4:


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