diving at Cano Island?

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My name is Anna (29), I'm from Latvia.I'm very interested in scuba diving (I have never done it before,only in aswimming pool) and I'm studying now in order to get NDL certificate. Could you,experienced divers, help me!
On the 26th of June I (without my husband because he cannot swim) would like to dive with scuba at Cano Island. As I will dive in tropical waters for the first time in my life (I'm honestly afraid), I would like to have a personal diving instructor who will dive with me, help me and show me everything. Could you please advise me an appropriate and good diving center in Drake bay [/u](may be together with a hotel) and diving instructor or even several instructors in case one of them is busy.
Besides, I have read that near Cano Island ther are a lot of tiger-sharks...I'm really worried about this fact. Are these sharks really dangerous, are they many? What is their usual bahaviour towards scubadivers?Was there any case when a diver suffered somehow from a shark in Costa Rica and especially at Cano Island?What could you advise so that diving would be less dangerous (where exactly at Cano Island would be better to scubadive, how deep and how far from the shore? What to do if a shark is coming closer and wants to attack (I have heard that one should go closer to the reef and then start continuously swimming up, but as far as I can see when one will be on water surface, the shark can easily attack)?
I have heard also that there exist a special repellent against sharks (copper acetate).Is it possible to buy it, where; do you use something like that?
What about diving equipment,is it safe? Is high-pressure hose often torn?
What about coral reefs at Cano Island?Are they very sharp? What if I accidentaly be pressed to them, will I be seriously injured?
May be you could also say about dolphin watching at Cano Island. What firm would you advise to choose for that (what about Drake Bay, Costa Rica Hotels & Eco Nature Lodges)? What kind of boat do they sail with (is it big,comfortable and safe)? Do they offer lifejackets?
Thank you for answering in advance

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