diving and diabetes

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what a hot topic with me right now. I am a type 1 insulin dep diabetic - 37 years and counting. I have logged over 300 dives - make sure every one I am on the boat with knows I am diabetic - carry liquid glucose under water - do not go in unless my sugar is 180-200 - and test at least 10 times a day on live a board if not more - a group of us are planning a trip to Australia in 07 and you think the U.S. is tough on diabetics - the Queensland is really tough - wish me luck!
what a hot topic with me right now. I am a type 1 insulin dep diabetic - 37 years and counting. I have logged over 300 dives - make sure every one I am on the boat with knows I am diabetic - carry liquid glucose under water - do not go in unless my sugar is 180-200 - and test at least 10 times a day on live a board if not more - a group of us are planning a trip to Australia in 07 and you think the U.S. is tough on diabetics - the Queensland is really tough - wish me luck!

No kidding about the underwater glucose ? never knew that before, maybe they should have a video that would explain what to do in a UW emergency with divers with diabetic status and how to give glucose underwater. I'm gonna have a talk with some co-workers and friends about this i've never heard that before very interesting, even being medic train back home (netherlands) I have never heard of giving it underwater before.

Always descending,
what a hot topic with me right now. I am a type 1 insulin dep diabetic - 37 years and counting. I have logged over 300 dives - make sure every one I am on the boat with knows I am diabetic - carry liquid glucose under water - do not go in unless my sugar is 180-200 - and test at least 10 times a day on live a board if not more - a group of us are planning a trip to Australia in 07 and you think the U.S. is tough on diabetics - the Queensland is really tough - wish me luck!
Okay, I'll say it: GOOD LUCK!

U.S. is not so "tough on diabetics" they have "recommendations." However, some other venues are very tough on diabetics, refusing them the right to dive.

You sound like exactly what the diving medical community needs to hear, to support the "each diver as individual decision" rather than a blanket disallowal.

By the way, you seem to be following (either naturally, or by some one's advice) exactly what the recommendations of the DAN conference recommended. Right to the liquid glucose under water. GO FOR IT, and have fun (but please come back to us healthy!).

No kidding about the underwater glucose ? never knew that before, maybe they should have a video that would explain what to do in a UW emergency with divers with diabetic status and how to give glucose underwater.

Yeah, no kidding.
Liquid glucose has been S.O.P. for diving diabetics; and is the recommended practice according to DAN's conference consensus (see four posts back).

One reason you may not have heard of it, and have not seen a rescue video on the subject, is that many diabetics who dive are closet diabetics. Until recently, a diver admitting he was diabetic was more likely to be barred from diving as he was to be assisted.

With the new recommendations (see four posts back) it is more likely that both the diving medical community, and dive operators (and hopefully dive buddies) will be more aware and less prejudiced.

Biggdawg just liked I posted before I 100% agree with you that type 1 SHOULD NOT be diving period ! I've talked to many co-workers and friends about this and they all agree with me (then again in the commercial field we have different point of views) but I really waiting to see a video of glucose being used underwater if anyone has any please post it, I will restasure you that it will be in a training video.

Always descending,
Biggdawg just liked I posted before I 100% agree with you that type 1 SHOULD NOT be diving period ! I've talked to many co-workers and friends about this and they all agree with me (then again in the commercial field we have different point of views) but I really waiting to see a video of glucose being used underwater if anyone has any please post it, I will restasure you that it will be in a training video.

How can you "100% agree with (me) that type 1 SHOULD NOT be diving period !" when I neither posted, nor believe in that statement???

Both Type I and Type II should be considered individually as to their relative fitness to dive. Some things that make a big difference are the control, and the awareness, of their individual situation. This is not my conclusion, but the consensus of the most recent (PLEASE see the post, above, six back) medical conference on diving and diabetes.

Commercial diving is, of course, another issue. DAN and Duke University, and the conference agreed that Insulin Dependent diabetes (Type I or II) would be a contraindication for commercial diving. But we are talking about standards that make recreational diving acceptable practice, even for insulin dependent diabetics (of either type).

This is a big change from the mid 1990's, and one with which I completely agree - diabetics have no problem diving if their diabetes is under control (as defined by the above-referenced material), if their glucose levels are managed to appropriate levels, and if appropriate precautions (including available glucose) are taken. Let 'em dive, the prejudice is unwarranted.

I might add that Kennedy, above, and her group look like exactly what the conference had in mind. They have the right idea, IMHO. Go for it!

well im getting this undercontrol better now, and depending on what the endocronoligst (sp) has to say in a week in a half ill be back to work, and in the water
Biggdawg just liked I posted before I 100% agree with you that type 1 SHOULD NOT be diving period ! I've talked to many co-workers and friends about this and they all agree with me (then again in the commercial field we have different point of views) but I really waiting to see a video of glucose being used underwater if anyone has any please post it, I will restasure you that it will be in a training video.

Always descending,

I'm not sure of a training video - but.......liquid glucose can be given uderwater very quickly - it's messy in your regulator - but it's a gel that you twist off the lid - pull out your reg - squeeze it in - and pop back in your reg - I've heard of other diabetics that carry cake icing - just as much sugar and probably tastier! :)

I'm sorry you feel the way you do about diabetics diving - I have always been up front about my disease - period - diving or not - I have no interest in commercial diving nor deep, or wreck diving - I am all about pretty fish and seeing sharks, jellies, mantas and whatever else comes my way.

I have to say the group I dive with is fantastic - they even bring me chocolate to dive with! A group of 30 of us went to Fiji and 1/2 of them brought me chocolate to keep my sugar up -

Maybe some day you'll be on a dive trip with us - see a diabetic diving - the right way! :)

take care.
Even though I still belive type 1 should not be diving, I will admit that I guess you can't let things like that hold you back if everyone is kewl with you diving and you have someone there to help you if something does go wrong then I guess a short dive here and there is ok :) Thanks for the info about glucose underwater I always love learning new things everyday ! and diesel I hope everything is ok with you, let us know how things are soon!

Always descending,
I support diabetics who are under control to dive wherever and whenever they like. Adminstering glucose to yourself should be pretty staighforward and easy, I would think.

I am not diabetic but must eat before a dive as I am prone to shakes and dizzyness that i attribute to hypoglycemia. Protein makes me run smooth...

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