Diving after pregnancy

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Our first baby is due in a few weeks, my husband and I are so excited!

How long do I need to wait before I dive again? I've keep in pretty good shape through out and I feel good even now, I just can't wait to get back into my gear!
Congratulations on your impending arrival! I would talk to your OB- GYN, & if he/ she doen't know, have them contact DAN for advice. You'll probably find yourselves very busy for a few months (if not longer). It's good to see our newest generation of divers coming along. Once again Congrat's & Good luck with your delivery!
Not too soon or sharks will think you're vulnerable and eat you :O

jk! Wait until you're comfortable enough to sustain physical activity and moderate excercise. Give your body enough time to get your chemistry back in order. Common sense would say 3-4 weeks at least.
I would agree with Rakkis... I would give your body a minimum of 3-4 weeks... and that is assuming you have a normal vaginal delivery. If it were me, I'd play it safe and say 6 weeks, at least. You know... docs even advise no sex for 6 weeks after having a baby! LOL

There are soooo many physiological changes that your body goes thru after having a baby... just a few (thank goodness this is a women's forum!):
1. Major hormonal changes
2. Your uterus is trying to shed lining and return to a pre-pregnancy state
3. You're either producing milk, or drying up (hormonal, again)
4. Sleep deprivation (believe me... it's coming!)
5. After child birth, for a time period, one is at higher risk of blood clots (especially if it was a C-section delivery)

This is only a short list... so many things the body goes thru! You will get back in the water, but play it safe and don't rush it. Have fun with that little bundle! Enjoy every moment! They grow up so fast!

I also liked the idea of calling DAN if your OBGYN is not familiar with the dive sport Unless the OB is a diver, most likely, they won't be familiar enough to give good advice. DAN may provide better info on how the different water pressures and such might affect your recovery... and of course, divers must be able to endure a moderate to high amount of physical activity. (Of course... that varies, depending on conditions and site)

I wish you an un-eventful delivery! Enjoy that precious baby! Congrats to you!

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