divetrip above water to help hurricane victims

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I hope this doesnt end up as double post but tried posting and don't see where it posted.

I have not had the oppurtunity to go diving with the group yet and wanted to try and do a trip this coming weekend since the hurricane though and feeling very blessed that it did not hit tampa bay where i live I have a suggestion.
Why dont we as a group get together and pick a area that was devasted and volunter our services by going in and help with picking up debirs and people who have chain saws go in and help saw down trees and limbs.
that sounds like a great idea

(scubabanker, glad to see Tampa made it through ok)
I would be interested in getting a group together & voluntering. In a past life I was a union carpenter & commercial construction supervisor. I tried to find out info on helping out in the hurricane hit areas but is seems at this time all they want is monitery contributions. If anyone finds out some info let me know. I live in the Tampabay area & already have chainsaws, come-alongs, crowbars, shovels, axes etc ready.

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