Diver with hemiparesis following stroke

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John A Lewis

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
# of dives
500 - 999
Been dry for over a year now because of a hemorrhagic stroke, leaving me with a weak right side from top of head to arm/hand and toe.

Slooooowly getting motion back on that side, but it may never fully return. Still want to dive again in about a year if possible to do it safely. If you are (or know someone) a diver who has fought back from this condition and returned to active diving, please feel free to contact me here or via email and share your experience. In particular, any training tips would be appreciated.

Just don't want to feel so alone and isolated in my battle. Thanks.
Hi John, Hang in there. Maybe contact an (HSA, Handicapped Scuba Association) instructor for so diving tips or retraining.
Good Luck & Good Divin
John, there's a member on here who does a lot of work with veterans. I think his name is Melvin Pasley, but not positive. Do a search and see what you can find. He can probably point you in the right direction!

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