I understand your concern regarding "trust me dives".
We are fortunate that a "witness" has been willing to come forward and post. What the qualifications of the witness are/were really are off topic in A & I as we are supposed to be talking about the incident and what contributed to it. There really is no evidence that the witness contributed in any way to the situation therefor discussion of his qualifications is nothing more than a Red Herring.
I am not sure that anyone has posted the qualifications of the victim. If I remember correctly the witness has posted that while the victim seems to have been overweighted he also seemed to be managing his bouyancy ok. If he was overweighted that may have been a contributing factor in the end. I know a lot of experienced divers who for various reasons carry too much weight on a regular basis. I also know of situations where that eventually contributed to a fatality. IMHO the habit of carrying too much weight is just another one of the errors divers make that they get away with until their complacency about it comes back and bites them ......
Divers get away with the complacency that leads to "poor decisions" until they wind up the topic of an A & I thread

We try to find the answers "WHY". Some rare occasions it is just sheer bad luck but too often it can be summed up easily... :crying2: