It should come out. There are a number of possibilities. 1st, he may actually be a real rescue diver, in which case, it appears he did murder his wife. 2nd, he may have been passed even though he didn't qualify according to standards. In this case, the instructor needs to be sued. The 3rd possibility is he did qualify according to standards and is still incompetent. If that's the case, the agency needs to be sued.
There have been a lot of stupid and thoughtless comments on this threads. That takes the cake. It's people with attitudes like you that are the reason for so many sports, clubs and hobbies being unsustainable because of liability insurance. Why does someone need to be sued?
I passed my driving test fair an square. If I kill another road user for my own stupidity or ignorance, does my driving instructor or assessor come into question? Does the road safety organisations testing process come into question?
Why should a scuba instructor be liable for someone else's substandard behaviour?
What will that achieve? It will scare aware people who are legimately passionate about the sport, and love to share their underwater experiences with others. Who in their right mind would teach scuba, if there is a real chance that they'll be dragged over the coals because one of their past students was a moron?
I know this is off-topic, but I couldn't leave it alone. It ****s me when the answer to all questions is to sue someone.