The innocuous statements, things like the battery in his computer, are the things that will bring him down, if he is guilty. I hadn't heard anything about this tragedy until the Dateline show last evening. I must say they added a very "guilty" slant to their reporting. I would be very interested in finding out exactly the experience level of the husband. Somehow, from the way the term "Rescue Diver" was batted around, with no clarification as to level of experience, I presume there is very little experience to go with the card, or it would have been presented by the guilt-biased reporter. Throughout the show I continually felt bad for the husband. I felt as though he was a "Rescue Diver" in the true sense of zero to hero, just barely able to save himself, yet unwilling to admit that he was unable to help his wife. Then they introduce the computer. First of all, if you put the battery in backwards, it does nothing, that was a lie. Anyone who has changed their battery in a dive computer knows it is not too easy and certainly not something done on the platform of a dive boat. It involves screws or at least a coin to open the back, and an O ring. Popping to the surface to turn the battery around did not happen. Why make this statement?
A hot button issue on this thread is the rescue training. I find it too convenient that the husband forgot everything he was taught in rescue class but was able to compose himself enough to take 2 & a half minutes to make his emergency ascent, for help, while his brand new wife drowns, & people reason he was afraid of getting bent. This is a life & death emergency. Even if his fight or flight mechanism tells him flight, he's going to be breathing his tank inside out, going for the surface like a madman, not a 2 1/2 minute, safe ascent. Unless, of course, she did, in fact, wink at him.
Too many things don't add up. I can't say one way or the other without more facts, but, it doesn't look good.
Although not attributable to his guilt, removing flowers from his wife's grave, by way of bolt cutters, does get this guy the "Douche Bag of the Year Award". He should have a shoe sticking out of his arse.