The divemaster (who was an instructor) was hired by the shop
that chartered the boat.
The diver surfaced, could see the boat, but didn't try to swim to it.
He did NOT swim to the rig, he just drifted.
We need to separate punishment and benefit.
The DM should certainly be punished (and hasn't as near as I can
tell). Pulling his DM ticket for a year or two is approprate.
The buddies should certainly be punished (if indeed they knew
they were the Drifting Dan's buddies, that's not 100% clear).
The diver deserves to benefit, maybe: he lost a few hours, he
ditched a weight belt, he didn't get to do the second dive he paid
for. But he screwed up several times, so that's about a reak-even.
Certainly not $4M. I wonder how much Reader's Digest paid him?
(Question: was the RD's "Drama in Real Life" series? Back when I
was a kid and lived at home and my mom got RD, I always
thought the "heroes" in "Drama in Real Life" were screwups who
happened to survive their own mistakes.)