I use the PCB jetties for training dives and have at least 100 dives there. The best time to dive across the jetty is slack tide. Even then the vis can be minimal. I've rarely seen great vis out there but have seen 50' vis but also only a few feet. This incident happened on a DSD, I know this as a fact and I know the business it was with. I have seen this operation in action many times and to be quite honest it is lucky that there haven't been more accidents. A reel is attached to a fixed point in the shallow portion and ran across the jetty. Students are typically kept on that line. A DSD is done with the students and they are immediately taken over the rocks. Once the tide turns the current gets VERY strong and someone can easily be swept out to sea and to greater depths, I've seen 74' out there. This is also the main pass so surfacing away from the rocks is extremely dangerous. It's a shame it's happened! I haven't been to the jetties in about a month so I don't know if the business is still there conducting dives, (highly doubt it) they are there typically every Saturday and Sunday conducting DSD's. The following is hearsay from a reliable source.... The person conducting the dive is a DM and was uninsured.