Why is speculation being removed? Why not remove the condolences as that, not speculation, is a violation:
In addition to the TOS:
(1) You may not release any names here, until after the names have appeared in the public domain (articles, news reports, sheriff's report etc.) The releasing report must be cited. Until such public release, the only name you may use in this forum is your own.
(2) Off topic posts will be removed and off topic comments will be edited.
(3) No flaming, name calling or otherwise attacking other posters. You may attack ideas; you may not attack people.
(4) No trolling; no blamestorming. Mishap analysis does not lay blame, it finds causes.
(5) No "condolences to the family" here. Please use our Passings Forum for these kinds of messages.
(6) If you are presenting information from a source other than your own eyes and ears, cite the source.
(7) If your post is your hypothesis, theory, or a "possible scenario," identify it as such.
(8) If your post is about legal action that concerns a mishap, use the Scuba Related Court Cases forum.
Thanks in advance,
I did voluntarily remove my speculations (aka theories), of which there were a couple, my intent was not to lay blame but some theories could have come across as such so I erred on side of caution, but I was surprised to see my post further edited to remove information that I had confirmed to have been provided to me by other witnesses about actual events.