Diver death at Haigh Quarry (IL.) today...

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Chicago, IL
Was just preparing for the first descent of this season over by the 33 ft. cruiser and saw a diver in distress w/ several other divers converging on the scene. Apparently he had been diving on the L.A.R.C. when the situation developed, and must have gotten separated from his buddy because he was alone and moving toward shore as the rescue ensued. My heart goes out to his family, freinds and loved ones on this sad day. Was there any one else on the scene who has any more information? The rumor mill had already begun when we got back to the docks, but probably not anyone involved in the actual rescue effort as we were a good ways away.
I was there and witnessed 95% of the attempted rescue. My buddy and I surfaced in close proximity and they were still getting him to shore.

I really don't feel like going to much into detail about what I saw or heard...but the divers did agree before the dive to descend seperately and meet up at the bottom. This is fact.

They never met up and the one who went down first is now deceased. I have no idea if this death could have been avoided if they stayed together or not.

Any new divers reading this, stick with your buddy at all times...it doesnt mean you need to be on them, but always have a visual and be close enough to reasonably respond in case your needed. Descend and ascend together.
Sorry you guys had to witness such a tragedy. It's really a sobering experience, I'm sure.
Any new divers reading this, stick with your buddy at all times...it doesnt mean you need to be on them, but always have a visual and be close enough to reasonably respond in case your needed. Descend and ascend together.
Even old divers.

Thanks, Jep.
Thanks Almity!

I've been diving for close to 4 years now and this is the first real rescue attempt I've seen. The guy shows up to dive and for whatever reason he dies instead... makes one think alot.
My heart goes out to his family. My buddy and I had just returned from getting a bite to eat when the rescue concluded. The pre-dive planning for our second dive had never been as thorough... a sad day, indeed.

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