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Mann bei Tauchunfall lebensgefährlich verletzt
Immer wieder kommt es im Sundhäuser See in Nordhausen zu Tauchunfällen. Vergangenes Jahr starben dort zwei Menschen. Nun gab es wieder ein Unglück.

Diving accidents occur again and again in Lake Sundhäuser in Nordhausen. Two people died there last year. Now there was another misfortune.
Nordhausen (dpa/th) - A man was critically injured in a diving accident in Lake Sundhausen in Nordhausen. The 62-year-old had to be resuscitated, police said on Tuesday. He has been in critical condition since the accident on Friday and is in a specialist clinic. Police did not provide any details about the exact circumstances. The man's 52-year-old companion suffered from shock.
Diving accidents occur again and again in Lake Sundhäuser. Last September, two people died while diving there. Shortly before, a woman had been seriously injured. The lake, which is up to 31 meters deep, is popular, among other things, for its underwater attractions.