DIR- Generic Diver attitude! Be careful, experienced divers...

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I just wanted to post about an incident that I witnessed and it turned ugly quite quickly.

I consider myself an experienced diver, certified full cave TDI, GUE tech, and have been diving for 20 years with thousands of dives on hand. That said, I was on a "mixed" boat with technical and recreational divers and one of the obviously new divers criticized a long hose setup saying "this is not PADI standard". That's it, that's all what he said. Instead of the experienced diver taking a minute to explain what it is, he told the new diver "you don't teach me what is standard you PADI fart". Of course, the new diver didn't take it a well, and an ugly quarrel ensued. Because the boat was full of advanced divers, it felt like a pack of wolves were encircling the guy. I found myself intervening on the side of the new diver and asking people to calm down and remember that they were all once new divers and he may even be better than them when they first started.

Of course, the new diver never showed up for more dives.

No matter how experienced you are, be humble, explain, and don't add to the reputation of divers being an arrogant community. You would only put off people from joining the community, and the industry will suffer.

Yea,,,,Hold my beer....

Says me the spearfisher dragging a bleeding fish on the deck to hold up for photo's.
Divers taking themselves too seriously on all sides. One would think they are curing cancer or going to Mars.
Similar story...

I was doing cenote dives with an instructor friend of mine whose LP inflator didn't work so her hose was disconnected. Big cave diver guy waved her down and kind of rudely pointed it out to her. she simply looked him dead in the eye and told him, "my inflator doesn't work but I know how to blow", pursed her lips and orally inflated her BC.

I have learned from personal experience to follow the Mark Twain approach, “it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to talk and remove all doubt.”
Commenting negatively in any way on someone else's gear is just rude. Taking the bait and getting into a tussle over it is just dumb. Obviously, the diver who took the bait doesn't have the experience in self-restraint that we who inhabit scuba discussion forums have developed. :wink:
Commenting negatively in any way on someone else's gear is just rude. Taking the bait and getting into a tussle over it is just dumb. Obviously, the diver who took the bait doesn't have the experience in self-restraint that we who inhabit scuba discussion forums have developed. :wink:
or the sarcasm.
for a stranger- unless its a safety issue then let them be -for a friend you should be free to ask why

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