Divemaster moving to Ishigaki next winter

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There is so many questions that I don't really know where to start....
Me and my little family are moving to Ishigaki Jima next winter and I wonder about the price of the gear over there? Is it better I find my equipment before I get on the island? I live in Toyota at the moment and since my gear was very old and unreliable I left it in Canada.
Is there many job opportunities for a French-English-Spanish-little japanese speaking divemaster...? I certainly hope to work in the dive industry and that is the main reason to move to Ishigaki.
Can I do the instructor course on the island?
Anybody knows the best way to find a place to live permanently?
Dive center suggestions? Comments on good/bad experiences?
I am open to pretty much any information concerning Ishigaki Jima and the diving around the islands of yaeyama.
If any of the locals reads this and feels like chating I wouldn't mind to make contacts prior to arrival.
good luck
Hi faniechest - I can't imagine the dive gear selection on Ishigaki will be cheap or extensive. Definitely better to bring it with you - preferably from overseas. Dive gear carries a huge markup in Japan and its considerably cheaper to buy from elsewhere.

For working in the dive industry, I really don't know. I think your best be would be to contact japan-diver on these forums - he runs a diveshop (Reef Encounters) on the mainland and often does trips out to the islands. He might be a useful source of info, as well as a good guy to dive with!

He is also a NAUI Course Director so could train and certify you to instructor level.

Generally, diving around Okinawa is fantastic - good reefs, warm water, lots of life.. you have the manta's on Ishigaki, the "ruins" off Yonaguni, hammerhead schools in season etc etc.
There also seems to be the problem with the sensuishi test. Others will know a lot more about it than I, and there is more information floating around the forums, but it is my understanding that to work in the dive industry in japan, you have to pass the test. I was told that they only offer it once a year, in August. Was also told that the material isnt very difficult, but the Japanese is...

Just something else you will want to look into.
First dive gear is almost unavailable on Ishigaki- we have a few good shops on Okinawa for gear but nothing as the islands get smaller.

Finding a job in Ishigaki in diving may be a bit of a challenge and as a DM will be very low paid and long hours. Most places in Okinawa require a sensuishi I am not to sure about the attitude toward that in Ishigaki. There are very few foreign friendly dive ops in the islands so the amount of places you can find work is limited, there are tons of dive ops on Ishigaki but most want nothing to do with foreigners so they will not be interested in hiring you. Not being able to teach will also limit your job prospects.
Had to go out for a dive so didn't finish my last thoughts. Ishigaki is a small island with a highly tourist based economy- arriving without a place to live or a job would be tricky. The tourism industry is despite the glowing reports that the Japanese government is putting out is down in Okinawa and all the islands- jobs are few and far between - dive shops are laying people off or not hiring as many for the summer as they usually do. Not to say that working in the industry is impossible in Ishigaki or elsewhere in Japan but just showing up does not mean that a job will appear. If you show up in the winter jobs anywhere will be difficult to find as most of the tourist based businesses are laying off in the winter not hiring.

You can probably find an instructor course in Japanese on Ishigaki but not in English. But the diving down here is incredible. Clear warm water- a huge variety of sea life. Easy coral reef dives, ripping current drift dives, WW II and other wrecks - Okinawa and the surrounding islands have it all. Some of the best diving I have done anywhere and I have dove quite a few places.
Thanks to all for the replies. It doesn't make me very confident about finding jobs for me and my husband, but I will put my mind into it and keep hoping that something turns up. I really want to keep diving and work in the industry so I won't give up. I might arrange the instructor course in some other country since there is no way I can do it in Japanese and for the rest I will see. I might order some equipment online (any good web site?)
I might conctact some of you again for a fun dive or for info.
Thanks again and if I can be of any help, the door is open!

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