Divemaster course, Where???

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The Netherlands, Delft

I am planning to do my Rescue and Divemaster course/internship during the summer of 2004 (July and August). I am now searching for a good location to do this. Of importance are:

1. Good intructor/dive school
2. Good diving
3. Cost (I am still a student ) Not only the cost of the course is important but als the cost of living there for 2 months.
4. Nice surroundings (people etc.)

I was thinking about Roatan or Utila.

Anyone any advise??

Thank you in advance!

Mousy :mousy:
Hi Mousy

I would look at Utila and Deep Blue Divers for your Divemaster course. They are an excellent school and when I was diving with them I got to know a number of their divemasters in training and they were really pleased with how Deep Blue worked with them. Utila is one of the cheapest places in the world to live and dive so I would say ideal for you. Deep Blue has a web site at www.deepblueutila.com with a contact email address so give them a buz.

Good luck
I think that could be trimmed waaaaaay down!

If you do ALL of the pre-study, take all of the quizes and do the reading, study all of the questions and answers with great care- get a copy of the Encyclopedia of Diving- and do ALL of the work... There is no reason why you can't get through a DM course in 10 days.

This pre-supposes that you are already a competent diver, meaning that not only are you not a danger to yourself, but know when and how to assist others... a lot of stuff you'll learn in the DM Course. It also means that you breezed thru Rescue Diver before hand.

Remember- once you've got your DM, the OWSI is just a short step away. Best to do them one after the other- the book learnin' is the same!

Best wishes!

Go straight to Utila. There are 11 dive training operations on the island. I know them all. As an AOW diver you'll have to do EFR, and Rescue before starting your DM. Highly suggest Deep Blue Divers at Utila. Owned by family of Brits, Steve, mother Shirley, and girlfriend Jasmine. Great bunch of instructors and speak and teach in many languages, inccluding Texan.

Go up the hill to Countryside, look for Sherry Rose or Annie. They both have apts you can rent. I suggest you plan to stay about two months, if you can. You'll do all the diving you want, as a DM intern, you will actually be working on their boat. They do not have a hot dog operation and you will like the friendly environment. Yes, you can do the DM in 10 days, if you have all the other courses done. Have a great time. Tell them I said "hello".
Hi Guys,

I am a friend of Mousy, and are joining her on her trip to Utila. Another friend of her also went diving on Utila and stayed at the Cross Creek Dive Center. She strongly recommended it to us.
However we heard rumours that it has been taken over bij UDC?
Can anyone give us more information about Cross Creek? Is it a reliable Dive Center? I've heard that UDC is a good Dive Center, but any extra information is welcome!!

Thanx in advance!
Hi Guys,

I am a friend of Mousy, and are joining her on her trip to Utila. Thanx in advance!
Hi Leonietje en Mousy,

Alles goed? I came upon this thread and am just curious if you ended up going to Utila. Did you guys have a good time? I did my DM course there at the BICD and had a blast..

Hi Mousy,

Cross Creek Dive Centre offers a wonderful DM program. They have a great set up including accommodation in their famous DM house. I would also suggest checking out Utila Dive Centre. Both these centres offer great deals for DM's (yes, I am a little biased).

Also I would disagree with RoatanMan. If you have the time, use it and become a better DM. I wish people would stop trying to promote the minimum standards in diving.

Feel free to PM me if you need more info.
good on you for taking the plunge Mousey,

a word of caution though.. while I know everyone has their own budget, beware of discount education. Education is an investment so dont skimp..

I forgot to mention that a DM course on Utila will cost you between $550 and $650.
All the stores on Utila offer different deals, it's best to check around when you arrive. Look at the experience of the instructors, the atmosphere in the shop - remember you are going to be working for these people for a while.

Best of luck.
Here in Belize we charge US$600 for a DM course, but only US$300 if it is done by an internship at least 2 months long. We greatly believe in exceeding minimum standards and producing DMs (and Instructors) worthy of the name.

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