Calling All Friends of Diveheart....we need more buddies, Divemaster and Instructors on our Diveheart May Key Largo Trip with Rainbow Reef (diving 5/21-23). We have three Adaptive Divers in wheelchairs. Great opportunity to get your experience thresholds for Diveheart Certification.
Check out the dates and you can sign up on sign up genius via the above link or let Jim Elliott, Diveheart president know if you can help out 630-964-1983 Thanks so much. We can't do it without you! #scubatherapy#adaptivedivetravel #adaptivedivetraining #rainbowreef
Check out the dates and you can sign up on sign up genius via the above link or let Jim Elliott, Diveheart president know if you can help out 630-964-1983 Thanks so much. We can't do it without you! #scubatherapy#adaptivedivetravel #adaptivedivetraining #rainbowreef