Dive Trip Report

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Reaction score
Low Country of SC and GA
# of dives
200 - 499
Well, I met up with Scubadaddee, aka Cpt Phill, his buddy Chuck, and my buddy Ken, oh and there was a surprise showing from Lee~!!!:)

Dive Scene- we met up at the Edisto river, the water was still up but had dropped at least two feet since my last visit about two weeks prior. A lot of sand has been moved around due to the heavy current. The water temperature was up from two weeks ago also from 56 degrees to 62 degrees. The weather was nice and sunny and 80 degrees. Dive depth was between 10-13 feet.

The Boat and its Captain- Cpt Phill reminds me a lot of my grandpa. Now Phill I am not saying you are old by no means all I am saying is you have that same spunk and laid back attitude that reminds me so much of my grandpa. I will say this about Cpt Phill, he was not shy to don his gear and jump into the liquid himself since Lee was along for the ride and taking tons of pictures.

The Gang- Here is Lee on the left, and Chuck on the right. The second pic shows Cpt Phill at the helm, Ken, and then there is me on the right.


We cruised along the river looking for potential dive spots. We would locate what we thought was a good spot and someone would don their gear and grab the hooka line and go down. The first spot was nothing but hard marl and the second spot proved to have a decent gravel bed that kept us all busy for a while. We decided to move up stream a little from this spot as the gravel bed was big with fist size gravel so we were excited.

This second spot was good to Cpt Phill, but the current in the end won out over all of us because we were fighting it the whole time. It was strong, even with spikes driven into the marl, you still had to kick your fins to stay were you were at and this drained you quick. A lot of downed trees that made this dangerous with the current. Chuck ended up getting his goody bag snagged by an under water branch that took it from him and it was gone with the current.

All in all, I had an awesome time and can not wait to do it again. I realize I need to continue to lose more weight. Oh, almost forgot, I had one incident when I first got into the water, you see, I have a severe allergy to yellow pine pollen (throat starts closing on me) and this time of year it is in full force. I could have taken medicine for it but I never take any meds or alcohol at all prior to a dive...period, and getting into the water and my throat closing made for a potentially bad situation. I aborted that attempt and did not know if my diving for the day was going to be done or not. Lucky for me my throat was opening back up and I was able to get in.

Special thanks to Lee and Cpt Phill for their advice about when you are feeling like you are fighting for some air, simply hit your purge button and give your self a blast or two. This works great to push a lot of air into your lungs. It is little things like that, that can be a life saver.

Also, I would like to say that my new dive lights work like a champ, I did not bring out the big 1200 lumen light as all I needed was my mini torch at 220 lumen. I also learned that I need a better spike for currents like this so I will hit up our machine shop to see if the guys can make me something.

I know I didn't put anything in the photo for size comparison but the shark vert is 2" across. The big petrified wood and the Indian pottery was given to me by Cpt Phill.

I look forward to going out on the 2nd of April into the big Cooper river~!!!!!





Okay, I found this little guy and I think it may be an Angustidens very back tooth. It has a thick small root, serrations and what looks like a tiny bump, cusp on one side but no cusp on the other side, just straight serrations. Any thoughts on this?


Man, I sure am jealous of you getting to do that dive! Glad that everything went well and you found lots of stuff. It looks like a really great dive. To give you some perspective, I did my first dive of the season in Massachusetts yesterday, and the water temperature was 41 degrees and the air temp was 47. :(

Nice finds there Mike, looks like you guys had a good dive. Man, 80 deg. air/62 deg. water whats that? I dove today, air temp 39deg. water 34`deg., I will post some pix on the bottle diving thread tomorrow.
You have some nice bottles there, the Cod stopper (the one with the marble in) it is a beauty it looks like it was made yeasterday.
You guys ever run into any gators down there and if you do, do they put up much of a fight underwater, lol?
Nice finds there Mike, looks like you guys had a good dive. Man, 80 deg. air/62 deg. water whats that? I dove today, air temp 39deg. water 34`deg., I will post some pix on the bottle diving thread tomorrow.
You have some nice bottles there, the Cod stopper (the one with the marble in) it is a beauty it looks like it was made yeasterday.
You guys ever run into any gators down there and if you do, do they put up much of a fight underwater, lol?

Dave, the bottles are scubadaddee's, I was helping him post them. Yea, the water is getting warmer and with that comes the snakes and alligators. okay, one thing everyone needs to understand is that alligators are really shy of humans and most times will move away. There is always an exception to this like you getting too close to a mother and her young. Snakes seem to be more of a problem then gators. So far, there has not been a recordable death from a gator in the water in SC. I find the idiot boat and jet skiers to be far more dangerous and in fact we had a diver killed in the Cooper river a couple years back from getting hit by a boat when surfacing.

Here in SC if you see a diver down flag, you are to not come within 50 feet of it if possible (sometimes the rivers are narrow so you will be within that) and you are supposed to idle down. On the river we had some that did this and we had others that could care less and was trying to break a water speed record or something, lol

I will say this, black river diving is not for everyone and can be very nerve racking. Imagine pitch black dark and your light only gives you about a foot of visibility just in front of you. That was our conditions Saturday. I turned my light off and it was solid black, like closing your eyes, lol

What is you viz like and do you deal with any currents?
Dave, the bottles are scubadaddee's, I was helping him post them. Yea, the water is getting warmer and with that comes the snakes and alligators. okay, one thing everyone needs to understand is that alligators are really shy of humans and most times will move away. There is always an exception to this like you getting too close to a mother and her young. Snakes seem to be more of a problem then gators. So far, there has not been a recordable death from a gator in the water in SC. I find the idiot boat and jet skiers to be far more dangerous and in fact we had a diver killed in the Cooper river a couple years back from getting hit by a boat when surfacing.

Here in SC if you see a diver down flag, you are to not come within 50 feet of it if possible (sometimes the rivers are narrow so you will be within that) and you are supposed to idle down. On the river we had some that did this and we had others that could care less and was trying to break a water speed record or something, lol

I will say this, black river diving is not for everyone and can be very nerve racking. Imagine pitch black dark and your light only gives you about a foot of visibility just in front of you. That was our conditions Saturday. I turned my light off and it was solid black, like closing your eyes, lol

What is you viz like and do you deal with any currents?
The water we are into for bottle diving always has a good current running but nothing like a river, maybe one knot at best. We dive in a busy shipping lane so we use a surface buoy and a tender for each diver. We have to stay in contact with the port authority in case they want us to pull the divers to let a freighter go past, which happened this weekend. We have been lucky that they still let us dive there, after 9/11 there are some places that we are no longer permitted to dive for security reasons.
Our vis now is at it's worst with spring run off, it is brown water and vis yesterday was 4-5 ft. even with full sunshine. The water is also at it's coldest this time of year. it's had all winter to cool down so there is no wet suit diving now, (i use to do that when I was young and crazy, now I'm just crazy). As with your river diving you could have a buddy down there with you but you would never see him and a buddy line would be suicidal. This kind of diving is not for every one but it sure is fun and challenging.
I posted some pix of this weekends haul over on the bottle diving thread.
With regard to gators, a couple of my buddies and I went to FL diving for shark teeth last year but stayed out of the rivers because we didn't know the score with these guys. Maybe next time we will give it a go.
Aeromike how do you hook up with capt Phil? Does he have a buisness phone?
great teeth Mike!!!
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Sharky, those look terrible, so bad that as a fellow fossil diver, I am willing to take those off your hands just so your collection is not diminished at all with such ugly teeth. lol

That 5.5" one is solid, thanks for sharing.

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