There is a reason divers over 50 need medical clearance from their doctor, per some diving organizations. I’ve been on dive boats where an elderly diver couldn’t climb up a ladder unless someone took their tank and BCD. I know it’s not a popular thing to say that when people get past a certain age they should reconsider a few things. Why do you think you see so many elderly riding 3-wheel motorcycles? Why do some states have additional periodic tests for elderly drivers?
Divers over 50 have 10 times higher risk of cardiac-related death while diving than for younger divers. I’m sorry to say but that rate doesn’t go down for divers 75 and older.
We’re all mortals and we’re all going to die one day. You can’t do the same things and take the same risks and get away with it when you’re 75 compared to when you’re 25.