Dive Sites in Mozambique

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Hi guys! Tell me please, what are the best places for diving in Mozambique? How is about New Years Reef and Sylvia's Shoal?
Hi guys! Tell me please, what are the best places for diving in Mozambique? How is about New Years Reef and Sylvia's Shoal?
Just returned from diving at QUINJATA BAY INHAMBANE MOZAMBIQUE.The diving could be considered as some of the best the world has to offer.the variety of diff species is just so awsome .We had from mantay rays to morays to fish and crabs i never even knew existed.Plenty of dive sites within a max of 20 km by boat.At least 5 good dive lodges from Inhambane Town including ,flamingo bay,barra lodge ,tofu,and jeffs palm resort to Quinjata lodge.
You fly in fromJHB OR tambo direct to inhambane and get the lodge to collect you.out of season prices are very cheap. hope this helps
Thanks KLHIGGINS. But I can't understand why people from South Africa are going for diving in Mozambique? You have 2 oceans and the same climate. What's the difference?
Thanks KLHIGGINS. But I can't understand why people from South Africa are going for diving in Mozambique? You have 2 oceans and the same climate. What's the difference?
Although diving in South Africa is "OK" Mozambique has a far bigger variety ,much cheaper,and the water is a lot warmer. From the eastern cape all the way around to the western cape the water is very cold and the smaller species are non evident.kwazulu natal offers only two good dive sites such as ALIWAL SHOAL and SODWANA.
I think most south african recreational divers would always recomend Mozambique.I't is very easily accesible and there is always a sense of unspoilt wildness about their coastline.
but thats just my opinion!!!

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