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Caribbean Connoisseur
ScubaBoard Supporter
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
# of dives
200 - 499
Hey scuba board friends,

Looking for smaller groups, think Blue XT Sea in Cozumel, would like to be around more advanced divers and less newbies, of course I care about safety and knowledge, flexibility, great DMs.

This is our first trip to Ambergris. We are staying down at the southern tip abeam the Hol Chan park. Will all dive operators come down there? If not, who? Yes we have a golf cart reserved. Bringing BCD, fins, mask but no regulator of my own as of yet. Anyone dive with Nitrox there, depths seem to be ideal for it. Is the mark up in cost worth it?

Thanks, swim.
Nitrox is worth it to me but I dove air in Belize for something like 12 years before switching. YMMV

Island Divers take smaller groups and they've recently moved further down south. I believe you'll be happy with them, of course there's no way to guarantee that they or any other dive op during your stay won't have newer divers aboard.

Enjoy! I'm jealous because I'm missing my island "home".
Nice Chilly, thanks. Good enough endorsement. Will ping them and see what I can set up.
I will be diving with Island Divers for the umpteenth time the week after next.

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